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2018 Historia Year in Review
January 25, 2019
by: Historia Team

The year 2018 was a significant one for Historia. We set ourselves some ambitious goals for the year and, with your help, we’ve made some significant strides towards achieving them.

Our 2018 project roadmap was short and concise and comprised a few key milestones that aimed at improving the network’s core infrastructure.  Our main focus last year was to channel our efforts to developing Historia’s architecture and having a fully functioning platform ready before the end of the year.

It was an important achievement for our team when we finally launched Historia blockchain in September 2018. The launch allowed us to continue to develop an immutable database rooted in blockchain that ensures historical events are securely protected from perversion and control by a centralized entity.

By the end of the year, we had achieved all our roadmap goals and a little bit more as noted below:

Furthermore, Historia saw itself getting listed on the decentralized exchange stex.com and dex.subi.io.

These enhancements will position as one of the most disruptive projects within blockchain space. It’s safe to say 2018 was a successful year for Historia. A heartfelt thank you to you all for your continued support!

The world’s first consensus-based historical record storage blockchain

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Historia is a community project. The influence of any one superpower does not endure in Historia. The project is for the greater good of the global community with allegiance to no one except the everlasting truth of how it actually happened. If you would like to be a part Historia discussion, join us on Discord and let us know your thoughts. All spectrum of opinions and facts wanted, come all.


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