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Historia Network Update
November 3, 2020
by: Historia Team

In todays blog post we will discuss current state of the Historia Network development

We admit it’s been awhile since our last blog post. The Historia Network team has been quietly overworking ourselves to get things updated and over create an overall better experience. The short summary is that most everything is ready to go, however that does not mean development is complete for new features. This project is always been a project of love, and while it has taken much longer to get to this point than we would of liked, the Historia Team is now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. In today’s blog post, we will discuss updates that have been made since our last blog post, as well as the next steps for the future.


The Historia Team took September to focus on code clean up, some bugs within the website, and backend administrative functionality. While most of these changes are not public facing, they were required for proper administration of the web application (former known as BaseX). Work that was completed in September is as follows:

  • Further HTML formatting tweaks/cleanup for cleaner look.
  • Tweaks to main page to add top comments per proposal/record via comment threads, and newest comments.
  • The beginning of social aspects, such as following, user profile customization, user profile statistics. Gameification. This is ongoing and will need more work.
  • Much Administration stuff


During October the Historia Network Team added the first proposals to get clarification from the community on some important points.

We will take time to break this down a bit. While all of the proposals submitted had enough passing votes at the time of the voting deadline, there was a issue within the web application code, that incorrectly set the expiration date of these proposals to expire before the actual block that would see them in a state of “passed”. When a new proposal in created within the web application, we have to make a calculated guess of when the superblock that ends the current voting cycle, will happen. If we calculate the end epoch date too far out, there could be duplicate payments from the protocol layer. If we calculate the end epoch date too early then the proposals would expire and be deleted before the end of the voting period and therefore the proposal would not be paid, which is what happened in our case. This means that there were no additional coins generated on the superblock. The last superblock can been seen here. We have solved this issue in by extending the calculation date. In the future if a proposal passes and we have this issue again, we will cover the approved proposals or records out of the funds we have mined.

The following proposals were passing at time of the expiration.

  • Community And Content Guidelines Proposal
    • Passed and accepted
  • Airdrop Marketing Proposal
    • Passed and accepted
    • Since no additional coins were generated from the superblock, we will fund this from the coins we have previously mined.
  • Should BaseX save expired proposals/records?
    • Passed and accepted
    • We have added this functionality to all associated pages.
  • Elimination of https://historia.network website
    • Passed and accepted
    • All information, functionality, and domains from the original website has now been moved over to the web application, within a new menu system(BaseX).


During November, since the US Presidential election is happening, the Historia Network Team sees the first records being proposed, passed, and locked within the blockchain. Further development is below and ordered by priority.

  • Video of how to use the “Create” system. Create will be rebranded to “Post” as well.
  • Create page updates to add documents, audio, or video within the application post.
  • Time Localization based off of UTC.
  • Infinite scrolling pagination system.
  • Tweaks to comment system to add sorting capabilities and further user reporting options.
  • Continue expanding social aspects, such as following, user profile customization, user profile statistics. Gameification. Re-sharing ability.
  • Revamp of Masternode and Voting Node Registration page.
  • Suggestion update mechanism.

Since we are at this period of development, we are also ready to begin marketing, and you will start seeing more marketing efforts soon.

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Historia is a community project. The influence of any one superpower does not endure in Historia. The project is for the greater good of the global community with allegiance to no one except the everlasting truth of how it actually happened. If you would like to be a part Historia discussion, join us on Discord and let us know your thoughts. All spectrum of opinions and facts wanted, come all.


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