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Initial Launch of BaseX
April 16, 2020
by: Historia Team

BaseX is here! We are in the inital stages of the BaseX launch.

The Historia Team is happy to announce that BaseX has reached a point in which we can release. We are going through a staged rollout scenario in which first we will release to the Masternode and Voting nodes owners to find further issues, bugs, or general flow problems.

Once the Masternode and Voting Nodes Owners have had time to get familiar with the system and we verified things are stable, then we will release publicly to the entire community.

As we previously mentioned in our blog post, BaseX is the first version of the web application that makes everything work. There is still much more to do and we do not consider BaseX to be the final version of the application, but rather the first version that will interface with the Historia Network blockchain.

Some things the Historia Network community should start thinking about:

  • How should we add social aspects to this application to make the application as widely used as possible
  • Should the application development focus on topic centric, user centric, or a hybrid type of application?
  • How can we effectively but inexpensive continue to market the Historia blockchain to the widest audience possible
  • What type of proposals can be made to the governance system to help the network grow?

As we stated, in this preliminary rollout phase only Masternode Owners or Voting Node owners are will be given access to BaseX. If you are a masternode or voting node owner, please reach out to a team member on Discord or Telegram to learn how to access BaseX.  Masternode and Voting Node Owners can access BaseX here. We expect that this preliminary rollout period to last about 1 week.

If you haven’t setup your masternode or voting node yet, what are you waiting for? Learn how to setup here

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Historia is a community project. The influence of any one superpower does not endure in Historia. The project is for the greater good of the global community with allegiance to no one except the everlasting truth of how it actually happened. If you would like to be a part Historia discussion, join us on Discord and let us know your thoughts. All spectrum of opinions and facts wanted, come all.


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